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Tag: Event Store

Event Sourcing with ASP.NET Core – 02 Messaging

1. Introduction

Since this article is second part of the article below, I recommend you to read the following article before starting. We will continue with the sample project in the article below.

In the previous article, we made the example of Kanban Board. By creating a RESTful API, we wrote the create, assign, move and complete endpoints. We recorded the requests coming to these endpoints as an event in the Event Store. So we focused on the store part of the Event Store. In this article, we will focus on with the messaging part.

We will include the following endpoint in our RESTful API endpoints.

[GET] api/tasks/{id}

Event Sourcing with ASP.NET Core – 01 Store

1. Introduction

I recommend you to read the article below before applying this example tutorial.

In the article I have mentioned above, I had formed a sentence as follows.

There is a technology called “Event Store” in the .NET world for Event Sourcing. This technology offers solutions for “Aggregate” and “Projection”. In other words, in addition to providing the store where we can record the events, it also provides the “Messaging” and “Projection” services, which are necessary for us to record in “Query” databases.

In this article, we will deal with the store section of the Event Store. In other words, we will deal with the database feature where we can save events. In the next article, we will deal with the messaging part.

As an sample application, I chose the classic Kanban Board sample.

Our RESTful API endpoints will be as follows.

[POST] api/tasks/{id}/create
[PATCH] api/tasks/{id}/assign
[PATCH] api/tasks/{id}/move
[PATCH] api/tasks/{id}/complete